Heartbeat of Love: Maca Complex

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  • Heartbeat of Love: Maca Complex

    Regular price £18.99
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    Key Information & Uses

    Men's health; Sexual health; Fertility and reproduction; Womens Health; Sex drive (aphrodisiac); Energy; Stamina; Blood flow / circulation; Menopause symptoms; Immunity; Erectile function; Sperm quality; Volume, count and motility of sperm; Premenstrual Syndrome
    (PMS); Testosterone levels

    Diet, Allergy & Safety Info

    Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans. Halal. Dairy-Free. Gluten-Free.

    Ingredients / Materials Used

    Bulking Agent: Stoneground Brown Rice Flour (gluten free); Capsule: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC); Maca Root Extract; L-Arginine Hydrochloride (vegan); Zinc Citrate Powder; Panax Ginseng Powder; Black Pepper Powder (ORGANIC); Anti-Caking Agent: Natural Rice Concentrate (NuFlow), Natural Rice Extract (NuMag); Ginger Root Extract; Ginkgo Biloba Extract.

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    About this item

    Unfortunately this product does not ship to Ireland.

    Maca is an amazing spiritual superfood, growing at extremely high altitudes (7000ft and above) in the Peruvian Mountains. It’s very hardy, with powerful adaptogenic properties. An adapotgen is something that helps you cope in stressful situations – whether spiritually, physically, mentally and energetically. It is particularly helpful when going through the ‘dark night of the soul’; when you wake up and it feels like the world is falling apart around you; when you question who you truly are and feel like everything you thought you knew about the world was wrong. It helps us to cope when we shed layer after layer; when we feel at complete odds with the world around us; when we are hyper-sensitive or empathic and feel that what is going on in the world is just too insane. It’s an important kundalini energy balancer.

    Maca is a true miracle plant - not just for the immense nutritional value it packs into its tuberous root, but even just for the fact that it grows at all. A native of the high Andes, this inconspicuous member of the Cabbage family manages to withstand one of the most inhospitable climates on earth. At about 3500 - 4500m of altitude (8000 - 14500 feet) few plants survive at all. During the day the tropical mountain sun can be intense (although it is rarely hot), while during the night temperatures can plummet to 10°C below freezing, while fierce afternoon winds dry out the soil and carry away what little soil nutrients there may be.

    Nevertheless, archaeological evidence suggests that Maca root has been extensively cultivated in these harsh mountain regions for thousands of years. Maca is in fact what sustains the highland Indians and their animals. It supplies them not only with valuable nutrients, but also stimulates fertility in man and beast, which, as can be imagined, significantly contributes to the continuation of both. This quality was first noted by outsiders when the Conquistadores began to settle in the high mountains, but found it hard to sustain their animals on the sparse growth.

    The Indians suggested they feed them Maca root and, lo and behold, the animals' health and stamina - as well as their sexual prowess improved so dramatically that soon the Conquistadores demanded several tons of Maca root as a tribute from the Indians! In recent years Maca has been touted a miracle aphrodisiac and has even been called 'natural Viagra' and 'Andean Ginseng'. While Maca is indeed traded and sold within Peru and Bolivia as an aphrodisiac and fertility enhancer (especially for women), it also simply serves as a vegetable and is consumed in vast amounts by the highland Indians. It is baked or boiled, mashed to make pudding, cooked as jam or fermented into Chicha (local beer) and can be considered their 'root of life'.

    Maca has traditionally been used by indigenous peoples as a healing herb and a foodstuff which has an important role in the dynamic interactions of physical, mental, and sexual energies. It has been used as such since before the era of the Inca Empire.

    On a physical level, maca is well known for supporting and regulating the endocrine system in both men and women. The endocrine system is responsible for healthy functioning of hormones (which are essential for the regulation of energy levels, digestion, brain function, the nervous system, fertility and wellness in general). Many women have noticed that it helps to balance hormones, reducing menopausal and pre-menstrual symptoms, whilst men have observed that it helps support fertility and sexual functions.

    Less well-known than its aphrodisiac properties, perhaps, is that it also promotes mental clarity and boosts both endurance and stamina—it can perhaps help you get through your day in this increasingly busy world. This may be because maca is an excellent adaptogen, tailoring its utility to the individual who consumes the root and helping to balance the body’s systems under physical and emotional stress.

    Researchers have demonstrated that maca refurbishes the impairment caused by stress and hormonal flux. Hormones and bodily processes that react to stress responses can lead to a range of problems, including difficulty concentrating and plain old stress-induced illness. Reducing the effects of stress has a positive outcome on systems and hormonal balance, blood sugar fluctuations, and mental clarity to name a few. This is nearly immediate and so effective that maca is even given to schoolchildren in the Andes during exams to assure good scores. Imagine what it can do for you in your daily tasks!

    The balancing effect of this herb not only helps the individual in the short term, but also in the long term by helping to assist the body to recover more quickly, getting it back to a healthy state. As you are dealing with both mental and physiological stress better, you are more prone to be at harmony with the environment—both the people and the earth around you.

    By supporting your immune system, you are less likely to suffer setbacks due to illness. More energy is available to reconnect to your spiritual side. You can actually feel the rejuvenating effects of maca on your body. Consider it a nice component to a healthy lifestyle, and an important part of an overall routine for your journey to wellness.

    Primarily for men, this food supplement combines 3000mg of maca root with ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, ginger root, L-Arginine, organic black pepper and zinc.

    Black pepper, combined with ginger root and ginkgo, increases the effectiveness of all the ingredients.


    energy & vitality    gluten-free    vegan product    womens health    natural ayurvedic    mens health    fertility and reproductive support    sexual health    dairy free    halal product



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